Grade 12 +

"...a quarter of college graduates do not have the writing and thinking skills necessary to do their jobs."

—David Brooks, The New York Times

College-Level Writing Tutorial


Writertime offers high-school seniors a program to prepare, and college students the opportunity to sharpen, their skills with a college-level writing project.

Normally running to 3,000 words, the project introduces students to advanced techniques of subject selection, organization, research, writing, and editing.

Papers written in these tutorials have ranged from “The I.Q. vs. Emotional Intelligence,” to “The Emerging German Democrat,” and have later been expanded as part of the students’ college majors.  

While the College-level Writing Tutorial is designed primarily to enhance a student’s academic experience, it is also intended to have a long-term professional impact. The skills developed here are required for effective writing at the highest levels of science, business, law, the arts, international affairs, or any other field.

Good writing can help you succeed.